The Raspadura is a grana cheese, with an aging process of 6 months, presented in very thin layers scraped with a special knife.

It’s a light and very fragrant product, with a sweet taste and it is suitable for many culinary combinations.

The “Raspadura Zucchelli” is made ​​by hand.

How originated the raspadüra ?

In the past, cheese was almost considered a luxury good, it was directed almost exclusively to high social classes or at least was brought to the city to be sold in the markets.

In the countryside remained slightly matured cheese, which can not be eaten in pieces like the matured cheese.

So it was thought to scrape the forms of 4-6 months in order to obtain a layer of soft cheese with a taste more delicate, a “raspatura” of the form that in our dialect is called raspadüra.

The invention made ​​it possible to give a little taste on polenta (in practice the only food that rural people could afford) and to last much longer the form of Granone. It was sufficient to remove from the form a very thin sheet of cheese to dress the polenta.

Then the raspadura was combined with other foods, such as the classic risotto Milanese and thanks to its delicate flavor is still is still important in the kitchen in the most diverse combinations: on pasta, on pizza, on carpaccio of raw meat, in summer salads, with pears and many other fruits… and in many ways yet to be discovered!


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