buononaturale offers a variety of high-quality vegetable preserves rigorously from Italian organic farming. These include the more classic flavors and colors of the Mediterranean bush preserved in either extra-virgin olive oil, brine, or all-natural sea salt, such as Sicilian capers, artichokes with a unique all-natural velvety consistency, dried tomatoes, and a black olive pate'. This category of buononaturale organic Italian specialty products also includes five typologies of boiled legumes (peas, Borlotti or the more prestigious Cannellini variety of beans, chickpeas, and a juicy tomato lentil soup) as well as a multitude of ready-to-use sauces. Our organic sauce range usually includes a traditional Italian sauce and its vegan or gluten-free alternative, and as such satisfies all types of palates; this is the case of our original tomato sauces with either seitan or soia, of our pesto either in its traditional Ligurian variety or without animal products, of our mayonnaise either classic or using soy in lieu of animal products.